Table des matières
- American Bully
- American Bully Pitbull Pictures
- 1. They are NOT pit bulls.
- 2. The American Bully comes in 4 recognized sizes
- 3. Bully Puppies are expensive
- 4. The American Bully is a new breed
- 5. They can live 10 – 13 years
- 6. American bullies are easy to train
- 7. This breed requires exercise
- 8. American bullies make great family dogs
- 9. American bullies require little grooming
- Where to Find American Bully Puppies for Sale
- What About Adoption?
- Don’t Judge a Bully By Its Cover
- Description de l’American Bully
- Caractère et tempérament de l’Américain Bully
- Hauteur et poids de l’American Bully
- Conditions de vie de l’American Bully
- Espérance de vie de l’Américain Bully
- Soins de l’Américain Bully
- Origines de l’Américain Bully
- American Bully chiots à vendre
- Questions générales avant adoption d’un American bully
- How Much Does an American Bully Cost?
- American Bullies Price
- What is an American Bully?
- Origins of the American Bully
- Confusion Between Amstaffs, Bullies and Pit Bulls
- Don’t Get Ripped Off With Mislabeled Advertisements
- Three Main Types of the American Bully:
American Bully
Standard ABKC
(Ce standard n’est pas reconnu par la FCI, mais par l’American Bully Kennel Club, le registre officiel mondial de l’American Bully)
ASPECT GÉNÉRAL : L’American Bully Doit donner l’impression d’une grande force par rapport à sa taille.
Chien bien soudé, trapu, musclé mais doit rester agile et élégant, très attentif à son environnement.
La tête doit être grosse est large et les côtes bien centrées.
Il doit être ramassé et non haut sur pattes ni enlevé. Son courage est proverbial. On doit savoir tout de suite que c’est un American Bully au premier coup d’œil.
TÊTE : De longueur moyenne, haute de toute part. Le stop tombe brutalement sous les yeux, la tête est large et les maxillaires larges est prononcés. Le museau doit être court et la truffe grosse. La tête doit être ronde, ovale ou carrée.
Les têtes trop fines ou qui manquent de substance sont à proscrire.
Crâne : Large, puissant.
Stop : Net. Les chiens qui manquent de stop ne sont pas appréciés.
Truffe : Elle doit être grosse. Toutes couleurs admises, cependant le ladre n’est pas toléré.
Museau : De longueur court, arrondi dans sa partie supérieure, il tombe brusquement sous les yeux.
On préfère les museaux courts remontant légèrement vers le haut en trompette plutôt que les museaux longs et tombant. Les museaux fins, longs, en manque de substance et tombant sous le stop ne sont pas appréciés.
Lèvres : Jointives et unies, partie lâche admise sans toutefois trop d’excès, elles ne sont pas appréciées. Les babines pendantes ne sont pas admises.
Mâchoires/dents : Bien dessinées. La mâchoire inférieure doit être forte et capable de puissance dans sa prise. Les incisives supérieures sont en contact étroit avec la face antérieure des incisives inférieures.
La dentition idéale doit être complète et en ciseaux.
Les dentitions en pince et un léger prognathisme avec contact sont acceptées mais pas encouragées. Le prognathisme sévère type boxer ou bulldog n’est pas accepté.
Joues : Les muscles des joues sont très prononcés, les maxillaires sont puissants et bien dessinées.
Yeux : Toutes couleurs acceptées sauf albinisme léger ou sévère. Ils doivent être ronds ou ovales, bien écartés et étroits. Pas de ladre aux paupières.
Oreilles : Insérées haut. Coupées ou non coupées. On préfère les oreilles coupées qui confèrent aux chiens plus d’élégance. Les non coupées doivent être en demi rose ou mi dressées.
Les oreilles carrément tombantes seront pénalisées.
COU : Légèrement galbé, puissant, musclé. De longueur moyenne. S’effilant des épaules jusqu’au crâne. Pas de relâchement de peau, pas de fanon.Les encolures fines ne sont pas appréciées.
ÉPAULES : Fortes et musclées; les omoplates sont larges et obliques. Les chiens trop arqués et qui écrasent ne sont pas appréciés. Le panard léger est accepté mais on préfère les aplombs corrects.
CORPS : Côtes bien cintrées, long vers l’arrière. Elles sont bien serrées les unes contre les autres. Les membres antérieurs sont suffisamment écartés à l’attache pour permettre le bon développement de la poitrine qui est haute, profonde et large.Tout chien qui manque de type et de substance sera pénalisé.
DOS : Assez court et musclé. Légère pente du garrot à la croupe qui offre une déclivité courte et douce jusqu’à la naissance de la queue. Le rein est légèrement remonté. Les dos creux ne sont pas encouragés.
QUEUE : Courte par rapport à la taille, attachée bas, allant en s’amenuisant vers une extrémité fine. Elle n’est ni enroulée ni portée au dessus du dos. Elle n’est pas écourtée.
Les antérieurs doivent être droits ; l’ossature est forte et ronde, le canon métacarpien d’aplomb. Les membres postérieurs sont bien musclés ; les jarrets sont descendus et ne sont tournés ni en dedans ni en dehors. Un léger panard est accepté mais pas encouragé. Les chiens trop arqués ne sont pas appréciés.
Pieds : De dimension moyenne, bien cambrés et compacts. La démarche doit être élastique.
Couleur : Toute couleur est admise, robe unicolore, pluricolore ou panachée, la robe blanche, noire, blue nose et red nose. Néanmoins les robes mouchetées ou merles ne sont pas encouragées.
L’American Bully comporte dans ses rangs 3 tailles et 2 types bien distinct.
Le Pocket : Les mâles doivent faire moins de 43cm au garrot, et les femelles moins de 40cm au garrot.
Le Standard: Les mâles doivent toisé entre 43cm et 50,5cm au garrot, et les femelles entre 40,5cm et 48cm au garrot
Le XL: Les mâles doivent toisé entre 51 et 58,5cm au garrot et les femelles entre 48 et 55,5cm au garrot.
Extrême: Les mâles doivent toisés entre 43 et 50,5cm au garrot, les femelles doivent toisées entre 40.5 et 48cm au garrot.
Classique: Les mâles doivent toiser entre 43cm et 50,5cm au garrot, les femelles doivent toiser entre 40,5cm et 48cm au garrot.
Le mouvement doit être fluide et puissant. Le chien ne doit pas avoir du démarche chalouper ou allez l’amble.
Les pieds ne doivent pas être en dehors ou en dedans.
La démarche et dynamique et la poussé à l’arrière puissante.
Les pattes ne se croisent pas et ne se touchent pas.
Défauts pénalisants, mais qui ne mérite pas une disqualification:
• Museau trop long ou en pointe
• Manque d’arrêt
• mâchoire inférieure faible
• mâchoire inférieure tournant vers le haut.
• nez albinos (rose)
• Nez en trompette
• Queue trop longue ou trop courte (environ 2.5cm de la pointe du jarret)
• Queue enroulée
• Léger prognathisme
• Crocs légèrement visible
• Dentition tordus
• Cou trop mince ou faible
• Cou trop court ou trop long
• Épaules debout ou chargé
• Avant main trop court
• Pattes avant arquées
• Paturons (faible paturons)
• Pieds écrasés
• Jarrets tournés en dedans ou dehors (sauf en XL et variétés extrême où léger panard est accepté)
• Poil bouclé ou ondulé
• Mouvement: Marche l’amble, mauvais mouvement, manque de dynamise(exception en XL et variétés extrêmes où une partie est acceptée).
• Ne pas se déplacer sur la même ligne, pattes qui se touchent.
Défauts qui doivent être lourdement pénalisant, mais pas disqualifiant:
• Les yeux vairons (de différentes couleurs)
• Sévère prognathisme (1cm ou plus)
• Queue pliée
• Queue tordue
• Queue nouée
• Queue trop courte
• Poil long
Tout écart par rapport à ce qui précède doit être considéré comme un défaut grave et disqualifiant:
• Comportement agressif avec les humains
• Yeux roses ou albinos
• couleur ou un motif merle ou bigarré
• Monorchide ou cryptorchide (manque un ou deux testicules)
• Surdité unilatérale ou bilatérale (surdité d’une oreille ou les deux)
• Queue en tir bouchon
• Queue enroulé sur le dos
American Bully Pitbull Pictures
Featuring Razors Edge Pit Bull puppies, dog training pictures, and tips to keep your dog’s body and mind active with proper training and exercise. When training your dogs, the saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is not true. Dogs of any age can still learn new tricks and are trainable. However, if you start your dogs off at a young age, training is much easier. There is a window of opportunity you have when it comes to training puppies where they will learn faster than any other age. Therefore, the time you put into training your pitbull puppies will pay off much more than it would if you wait until they are older to train them.
American Bully Pit Bull Dogs exercising. These Bullies are considered to be Razors Edge Bloodlines.American Bully Pit Bull Puppies require a minimum of 1 hour of exercise per day. Some great ways to exercise your pitbulls are with springpoles, rope swings, tug, fetch, kong chew toys, and jogging to name a few. Other great ways to keep your dogs active are with dog sports, such as dock jumping, weight pulling, and swimming.
Pitbull training is a great way for you to bond with your dog as well as exercise them at the same time. It’s important to keep your dog’s mind and body is shape. With the proper dog training techniques, you can achieve a well balanced pitbull.
Last Updated on September 8th, 2019
If you think an American Bully is someone you should avoid in school, think again. This incredible family dog is in the bully breed family, but their personalities are nothing but loving.
Since this is one of those dog breeds that is often misunderstood, I wanted to clear up a few things when it comes to the American Bully.
Here are 9 things you should know about this breed:
1. They are NOT pit bulls.
One of the most common misconceptions about the American Bully is that it is simply a type of pit bull, but the truth is these are two distinct breeds.
American bullies do come from pit bulls, but they have had other types of bully breeds mixed in so that they are no longer considered pit bulls, but have their own breed standards.
Types of Bully Breeds
There are a number of types of bully breeds out there. Here’s a list of ones that are registrable through the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC):
- Alapaha Bulldog
- American Bulldog
- American Bully
- American Pit Bull Terrier
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- Boston Terrier
- Bull Terrier
- Cane Corso
- Dogue De Bordeaux
- English Bulldog
- French Bulldog
- Killian Bulldog
- Miniature Bull Terrier
- Neopolitan Mastiff
- Olde English Bulldogge
- Pacific Bulldog
- Presa Canario
- Shorty Bull
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Victorian Bulldog
There are also some breeds, which not registered through the ABKC, like Bully Kutta.
American Bully vs Pit bull
As this video shows, it’s easy to tell these two breeds apart when you put them next to each other:
Here are a few of the key differences between the American Bully and the Pit Bull:
Head size: The American Bully has a larger head compared to the pit bull, especially in proportion to their body size.
Leg length: Most American bullies feature short legs, especially when compared to those of the pit bull. Only the classic type of the American Bully has average legs when it comes to length.
Muscles: While pit bulls are certainly a muscular breed, muscles are something that the American Bully is bred for, so they typically have a number of well-defined, large muscles covering their bodies.
Overall build: The overall build of an American bully is much wider than a pit bull. Their chests are broad and their legs are further apart.
American Pit Bull Terrier American Bully
As you can see, there are some definite differences between the American Bully and the Pit Bull, despite their shared heritage. Once you understand how these two breeds are different, then you shouldn’t have any problem telling them apart.
2. The American Bully comes in 4 recognized sizes
There are four different sizes of American bullies that are recognized by the ABKC:
- Standard
- XL
- Classic
Here’s a little more information on the four recognized sizes of American bullies:
A standard male American bully stands between 17 and 20 inches (43-51 cm) while a standard female stands between 16 and 19 inches (40-48 cm).
To be considered a pocket American bully, a male must be between 14 and 17 inches (35-43 cm) at the shoulder, and a female must be between 13 and 16 inches (33-40 cm) at the shoulder. Otherwise, this size has the same proportions and characteristics as the standard American bully.
XL (Extra Large) American bullies are bigger than the standard size but should have the same build and overall proportions. Males are between 20 and 23 inches (50-58 cm) and females range between 19 and 22 inches (48-56 cm). At this time, this is the largest accepted size for this breed.
Although the classic type of the American Bully is the same height as the standard, this type is recognized by a difference in build. These dogs are less muscular and have narrower frames than the standard, pocket, and XL varieties.
What is a Micro American Bully?
You may have heard of a Mini American Bully, Micro American Bully, or even a Micro Mini American Bully, but the truth is that these are not technically varieties recognized by the ABKC. Instead, these are simply alternate names for pocket American bullies.
A “micro” American bully next to a standard bully / Image Credit: Joel Forrest / Barcroft Images
If you are looking for a small bully, then you may try using mini, micro, and pocket as you search online as many breeders use them to draw in people to buy their pocket American bully puppies, especially if their dogs are on the smallest end of the scale.
Just keep in mind if you’re planning on showing your American bully that you shouldn’t get one that’s too small or you may find your dog penalized or even disqualified for not fitting into the height requirements.
3. Bully Puppies are expensive
By now you’re likely wondering how much American bullies cost, so here’s the truth: bully puppies are expensive.
Of course, it depends on whether you are getting one as a pet, to show, or to breed, but most bully puppies will cost somewhere between $2000 and $7000 each.
High-quality adult dogs with proven track records for producing unique or outstanding puppies may sell for even more. One dog by the name of White Rhino, for example, once sold for $250,000.
If you’re just looking for a great family pet, however, you’re likely to be able to find American bully puppies selling on the lower end of that price range, especially if they have traits that would keep them from being good options for showing or breeding.
4. The American Bully is a new breed
While some dog breeds have been around for hundreds of years, the American Bully is a new breed, having just been developed during the 1980’s and 1990’s. It was first recognized as a breed by the ABKC in 2004, and by the United Kennel Club (UKC) in 2013.
The full history of the American Bully goes back several hundreds of years when bulldogs and terriers were used for sport. When these cruel animal-fighting sports died out, the remaining dogs were bred together and the first bull terriers were created.
Over time, these dogs became a more diverse group and included many of the types of bully breeds listed above. When breeders wanted to create the ultimate companion dog from these bully breeds, they began combining pit bulls with Staffordshire bull terriers and mixing in other breeds.
They ended up creating the American Bully, a dog that has all of the characteristics that make these breeds great companions with the aggressive tendencies bred out of them.
5. They can live 10 – 13 years
As long as you take excellent care of them, your American bully could live between 10 and 13 years.
One of the things you need to do to ensure a long life for your American bully is to keep an eye out for these common health problems and talk to your vet if you have any concerns about them.
Here are some of the common health problems that this breed may face:
- Elbow dysplasia – This occurs when the bones that form the elbow joint in the dog’s front legs do not stay where they should.
- Hip dysplasia – Most often showing up as a dog ages, hip dysplasia occurs in a dog’s hind legs when their hips come out of place,
- Demodectic mange – Animals with compromised immune systems are particularly susceptible to this parasite that causes scabs and hair loss.
- Atopy – This second most common skin problem in dogs is caused by allergies.
- Cerebellar abiotrophy – An inherited condition that affects the brain and nervous system, most symptoms will show up within days of birth.
- Cataracts – Although many dogs live for years with small cataracts that minimally affect their vision, others will need surgery to remove them or else face blindness.
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy – This incurable disease causes a dog to slowly lose their eyesight, first their night vision, and then their regular eyesight.
- Cleft palate or lip – These malformations of the roof of the mouth or lip can be purely cosmetic or much more severe and require special care and surgeries.
- Ichthyosis – Dogs with this condition will experience a thickening of the skin and paw pads as well as flaking of the paw pads.
- Hypothyroidism – A decrease in activity in the thyroid will cause dogs to gain weight, become less active, and lose their fur.
- Luxating patella – When a dog’s knee cap becomes dislocated, it will require surgery to resolve.
- Congenital heart failure – This serious condition causes the heart to become enlarged and fill the body with fluids.
Something else that bullies are prone to is gassiness. This can be caused by a number of issues such as poor diet, food allergies, or bad eating habits. To avoid your bully suffering from gas, first make sure they are being fed a high-quality food. Then, start looking for other causes of flatulence in dogs.
6. American bullies are easy to train
Like many other dog breeds, bullies love pleasing their owner which makes them easy to train. Of course, you’ll need to put in some work and make sure you stay consistent with training them, but you’ll soon find that this intelligent breed is a breeze to work with.
7. This breed requires exercise
Since the American Bully comes from working dogs, this breed has retained its abundance of energy. That means you need to be prepared to give them enough exercise that they don’t start to get bored.
Bored dogs often turn into destructive dogs.
If you’re not able to take your bully outside every day for exercise, make sure you’re finding ways to exercise your dog indoors.
8. American bullies make great family dogs
American bullies are one of the best examples of a perfect family dog. Loyal and loving, they’ve had aggressive behaviors intentionally bred out of them.
This makes them great family dogs, so you can rest assured that you’re not putting your children at risk by bringing one into your home.
One thing to keep in mind is that although one of the goals of forming this breed was to remove aggression, some bullies will still have problems with other dogs.
For this reason, you should use caution when bringing an adult bully into your home if you have other pets.
9. American bullies require little grooming
For a breed that requires little grooming, look no further than the American Bully. They have a short, smooth coat that only needs to be quickly brushed once a week or so.
This is particularly good news for people that don’t have the time to devote to grooming their dog themselves or the money to regularly pay a groomer to take care of unruly fur.
Something to keep in mind, however, is that this fur type also can get cold easily in the winter. So if you live somewhere that has particularly cold winters, then you may need to put your bully in a sweater or jacket to go outside side when the temperature drops too far below freezing.
But, let’s be honest. A bully in a sweater is just about the cutest thing ever.
Where to Find American Bully Puppies for Sale
American Bully, 9 months old puppy
By now you’re likely wondering where you can find your very own American bully? You’re in luck! We’ve put together this quick guide to help you find the perfect bully puppy for you.
Step 1: Decide What Size You Want
Knowing what size bully you want will help you narrow down search results very quickly. Don’t forget to use alternate search terms such as “micro American bully puppies for sale” when you’re looking for a pocket-sized bully.
Step 2: Decide Why You Want One
What purpose do you have for getting a bully? Will you be breeding them as a way to continue improving the breed? Do you want to show them professionally or just for fun? Or, do you simply want an amazing family pet?
Your reasoning for wanting an American bully will determine how much you are going to spend on one, what gender you get, and what you’re looking for in a dog.
When you’re planning on breeding, you need to be extremely selective to make sure the dog you’re getting has as many desirable traits as possible to pass onto future generations.
If you’re just looking for a pet, personality will matter more than physical features.
Step 3: Find a Breeder
Once you know exactly what you want, you can begin your search for a good American bully breeder. You don’t want to get a dog from just anybody, so be sure to take your time and make sure you find a good breeder.
A good breeder will:
- Be affiliated with the UKC or the ABKC
- Allow you to meet the puppy’s mother and other siblings (and father, if he’s on site)
- Be knowledgeable about American bullies
- Not sell puppies to pet stores, puppy brokers, or online
- Be able to tell you about the puppy’s parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents
- Prove that all their dogs have been certified healthy by a veterinarian
- Offer to take back the dog at any time in their life for any reason
- Breed only American bullies or possibly one other breed of dog
- Have a reasonable number of dogs, all of which are in good health
Here are some American bully breeders that have bully puppies for sale which are registered breeders with the UKC:
Chicago Bullies in Melrose Park, Illinois
Tillman Kennels in Littlestown, Pennsylvania
Titanium Bred Professionals in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Step 4: Contact the Breeder
Now all that’s left is to give the breeder a call and let them know exactly what you’re looking for. They should be willing and able to help you pick out a puppy or dog that’s right for you.
In most cases, you will have to put down a deposit on puppies and dogs in advance, so be prepared to do that.
Step 5: Bring Your Puppy Home
I kind of skipped a step here, because you should get your home ready before you bring your puppy home, but that’s certainly part of bringing a dog into your home.
You’ll want to make sure your house is “puppy-proof” so that they can’t get themselves into too much trouble and that they’ll have plenty of toys to play with in addition to everything else they’ll need.
What About Adoption?
Since there are a lot of abandoned Bully dogs in need of new home, consider adopting one. Not only you will save dog’s life, but you’ll save your money too, as adoption fee is much less than buying a puppy 🙂
Here are some Bully Rescue Organizations to help start with your searchings:
- Brave Bully Rescue, Houston, Texas (their page on Petfinder)
- American Bully Rescue Of Ontario, Canada
- Peaches Bully Rescue
- Amazing Grace Bully Rescue, Pensacola, Florida
Don’t Judge a Bully By Its Cover
We can learn a lot from these dogs that look tough but are actually sweet and loving. Rather than judge them by their appearance, we should see through that to see what an incredible dog lies beneath a muscular exterior.
Some of the pros of owning an American bully include:
- Low grooming needs
- Good family dog
- Great with children
- Loyal
- Moderate exercise needs
- Easy to train
- Generally healthy
Some of the cons of owning an American bully are:
- Expensive to buy
- May be banned in some areas
- May have chronic health problems
Whether you’re considering buying one or simply curious about this new breed, I hope this post has given you everything you need about the American Bully.

Description de l’American Bully
Le Bully américain est une combinaison d’un bouledogue et Staffordshire Terrier américain. Selon les lignées, la combinaison peut varier. Ce n’est pas un pur croisement entre un bouledogue anglais et des terriers américains de Staffordshire, mais une « race » élevée par des années de caractère et de fiabilité. Selon le descendant, il se peut même qu’il y ait des ancêtres des Bulldogs français. La combinaison avec les chiens Bulldog, ils obtiennent un personnage très stable, qui est adapté à presque toutes les personnes et ne pas oublier les enfants. L’American Bully est un chien de famille parfait, et ne devrait pas être utilisé pour le combat, malgré qu’ils ont l’apparence d’un chien fort, pointu et dangereux ..
Caractère et tempérament de l’Américain Bully
American Bully’s sont, comme mentionné précédemment, le caractère et la fiabilité élevés. Ils ont une forte personnalité, mais très fiable pour les enfants et il n’y a pas de mal en elle. De toute évidence, l’éducation joue un rôle crucial. Mais le Staffordshire Terrier féroce, irascible est beaucoup moins commun. Un American Bully est un choix approprié pour toutes les familles, y compris les familles avec de très petits enfants
Hauteur et poids de l’American Bully
Nous partageons cette « course » en quatre tailles différentes: Mini, Pocket, Standard et XL. Micro et XL sont les deux exceptions, l’une très petite et l’autre très grande. Standard et Pocket, nous pouvons comparer la taille d’un American Stafford (= standard) et un Bulldog anglais (= poche.) Les hommes pèsent toujours plus que les femelles, selon leur taille, bien sûr. 10 à 25 kilogrammes.
Conditions de vie de l’American Bully
L’American Bully peut être à l’extérieur, à l’intérieur ou dans une vie d’appartement. Bien que comme toute race ou le chien conseillé de fournir suffisamment d’espace libre, de préférence également sur une surface plus ferme comme l’herbe, avec le soleil comme source de vitamine. Ce n’est certainement pas un chien pour marcher de longues distances. Là, il a déjà un museau plus court que l’American Staffordshire Terrier. American Bully’s sont des sources d’énergie ludiques, mais pas inépuisables.
Espérance de vie de l’Américain Bully
10 à 12 ans.
Soins de l’Américain Bully
Un American Bully est un chien à poil court, et donc perdre, selon la période de l’année, y compris son. Pour avoir la perte de cheveux aussi peu que possible, brosse le recommandé de temps en temps, et donner un peignage brève encore chaque jour pendant la période de mue. Conseillé de le faire avec une brosse Sheddar, une brosse avec des dents courtes qui sert à enlever les poils courts lors de la perte.
Origines de l’Américain Bully
Comme expliqué précédemment bref le Bully américain est une race créée par un mélange de plusieurs races différentes. La raison: Un Staffordshire Terrier américain avec le caractère d’un bouledogue anglais ou un bouledogue anglais avec l’énergie d’un Staffordshire Terrier américain. Ce n’est certainement pas un hybride pur des deux variétés mentionnées précédemment, en fonction de la ligne du tronc différent aussi les ancêtres. Il ya aussi des types avec le bouledogue français comme ancêtre. Bien sûr, l’idée de l’Américain vient Bully
American Bully chiots à vendre
Ref.: 7802
Gereserveerd – Réservé – Reserved
American Bully
Herkomst: Eigen kwekerij
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Ref.: 7802
Gereserveerd – Réservé – Reserved
American Bully
Herkomst: Eigen kwekerij
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Ref.: 7582
Gereserveerd – Réservé – Reserved
American Bully
Herkomst: Eigen kwekerij
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Ref.: 7582
Gereserveerd – Réservé – Reserved
American Bully
Herkomst: Eigen kwekerij
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Ref.: 7581
Verkocht – Vendu – Sold
American Bully
Herkomst: Eigen kwekerij
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Ref.: 7581
Verkocht – Vendu – Sold
American Bully
Herkomst: Eigen kwekerij
– Origine: Notre élevage!
Questions générales avant adoption d’un American bully
– Concernant les précautions à prendre, il faut que le American bully soit pucé, vacciné et suivi par un véto . On doit également avoir son carnet de santé
– Y a-t-il des choses à “inspecter” sur le American bully chiot afin de voir s’il est en bonne santé, s’il a bien été sevré etc…
– A-t-on des garanties sur le fait que le American bully chiot ne sera pas malade “gravement” ou autre
– Concernant son espace. un logement d’environ 70 mètres carrés au sol + un jardin avec 45 mètres carrés de pelouse et 25 mètres carrés de bitume. ça pouvait-être suffisant a partir du moment où on le sortait beaucoup ?
– Est-il possible de le laisser seul de 9h du matin jusqu’à 17h du soir ? doit on rentrer du boulot le midi pour le controler? – A partir de quel âge peut-on aller courir avec le American bully chiot?
– Combien de fois par semaine peut/doit on courir avec le American bully?
– Peut-il aller courir avec une autre personne? Il n’obéissait qu’à un seul maitre?
– Que lest le budget?
– Doit-on aller au toilettage avec un American bully?
– Je dois ll’emmener au dressage , a partir de quel date?
Discutez ces questions et des nombreuses autres questions avec nous avant l’achat de votre American bully,
How Much Does an American Bully Cost?
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American Bullies Price
If you’re a dog lover who’s in the market for an American Bully? There are some things you need to know about this breed before an average price can be discussed. The American Bully was bred in the early 90s. Over the course of the last three decades, it has evolved into a breed that is sought out by an ever-expanding community. The cost for one of these dogs depends on a lot of different factors; therefore, it’s important to understand the origins of this breed and where this breed is heading into the next few decades.
What is an American Bully?
Due to the fact, this breed has not fully morphed into its own identity because of cross-breeding with other breeds. Arguments among breeders is in constant debate about what an American Bully should be or is. This has a lot to do with being in the early stages of creation for the American Bully. There are some breeders who want to branch-off, and some stay true to the first specimens; therefore, creating some confusion. For a better understanding, the American Bully is also called an American Bully Pit or Bullypit. Hybrid clubs use these names for a cross of an American Pit Bull Terrier and an American Bulldog; however, the American Bully is different.
Origins of the American Bully
The American Staffordshire Terrier was bred to be a show-dog because of its calm temperament, while the American Pit Bull Terrier shows signs of aggression, and has a mind of its own. The vision breeders had in mind for the American Bully, was to create a muscular and powerful dog with less work-drive, so it would be ideal for protection, and a loving, gentle companion for life.
The goal at first, was to tame the Pit Bull’s temperament; however, it was apparently difficult. The American Pit Bull was a banned breed on a global level, and deemed impossible to work with. The American Bully was a new breed that became the solution. Most breeders will openly admit, the American Pit Bull is a cross breed of Amstaffs and Pit Bulls; however, it’s also generally accepted that some Bulldog and Mastiff blood was injected into the breed during its creation and still is today. Breeders of the American Bully, use these breeds exclusively to make up their own preferred breed of the American Bully.
The American Bully breeding program started in various demographics of the United States without any contact between the breeders. Mostly centered in Southern California and Virginia, the American Bully breeding program rapidly spread across the states. Breeders from abroad, worked to move the breed into different directions because there was no standard made official during this time.
Confusion Between Amstaffs, Bullies and Pit Bulls
The creation of the American Bully is taking some time to be acknowledged as its own final breed. For example, the American Kennel Club still doesn’t recognize the American Bully, and for this reason, it infuriates many American Staffordshire Terrier and American Pit Bull breeders. Since the American Bully is slowly evolving itself into the general public, many breeders of closely related breeds get annoyed with the confusion from all angles.
Don’t Get Ripped Off With Mislabeled Advertisements
There are a lot of American Bully’s that are sold and advertised as American Staff or American Pit Bulls. Additionally, a lot of Staffs and Pit Bulls are also marketed as American Bullies. This is due in part to the hype that has been sweeping across the nation over the last few years. Newspapers with headlines for expensive stud Pit Bulls are actually incorrect, it’s a stud Bully, and so forth.
Before you spend your money on mislabeled advertisements, it’s important to understand that the American Bully is a repeated crossbreeding between Amstaffs and Pit Bulls. At the present time, it’s clearly a breed on its own. With this in mind, the American Bully breed is still being clarified and defined year after year. The temperament and appearance of its specimens will certainly keep on evolving; however, more Bulldog, Mastiff, Amstaff, and Pit Bull blood will be injected into the breed to get the desired traits within the community of breeders.
If you want to buy an American Bully, there’s only one thing you have to remember? The American Bully has Amstaff and Pit Bull blood in its genetics, but there is no American Bully blood in a Amstaff or Pitbull. Don’t get ripped off with mislabeled advertisements, ask for documentation and proof of its bloodline. This slight difference in mislabeled advertisements can cost an unsuspecting buyer hundreds or thousands of dollars. An American Bully is a special breed with three main types, and their price is set by the breeder.
Three Main Types of the American Bully:
1. Classic/Extreme American Bully
The Classic or Extreme American Bully is usually grouped together because their traits are closely related. The only difference is the Extreme American Bully weighs a little more, slightly taller, and has a wider stance. Both of these dogs have less overall body mass with lighter body frames, but have the trademark “Bully” traits.
Examples of Bully Traits:
- Compact body
- Heavy muscle and bone mass
- Square and short muzzles
- Heavy block head
The Classic/Extreme American Bully has more substance and bone mass than the American Staffordshire Terrier and American Pit Bull Terrier. They also have a bullier appearance of an “old-style” American Staffordshire Terrier and American Pit Bull Terrier, which is the staple of the American Bully. The Classic/Extreme American Bully follows the same guidelines as the Standard American Bully.
Males: 17 to 20 inches at the withers.
Females: 16 to 19 inches at the withers.
Average Cost: $2500
2. The American Pocket Bully
The American Pocket Bully is classified by its adult height. It’s important to understand, the American Pocket Bully is simply an amendment to the Standard American Bully. It’s a shorter version of this type. American Pocket Bully dogs have the same body type, breed, and build type as the American Bully. They exhibit massive, bulky muscles with block style heads and all the traits of the Standard American Bully.
Males: Less than 17 inches and no less than 14 inches at the withers.
Females: Less than 16 inches and no less than 13 inches at the withers.
Average Cost: $2000
3. The American Bully XL
The American Bully XL is classified by its adult height. Just like the American Pocket Bully, it’s an amendment to the Standard American Bully. It’s a taller version of this type. They share all of the same qualities of the Standard American Bully as just mentioned above.
Males: More than 20 to 30 inches at the withers.
Females: More than 19 to 22 inches at the withers.
Average Cost: $3000
It’s not uncommon for some American Bully dogs to cost well over $10,000, depending on pedigree, bloodlines, and breeder. It’s also important to understand that American Bully XXL dogs are the biggest dogs; therefore, they’re more expensive than any other size of an American Bully.
Client’s Request for additional information ( puppies for sale ) on their “Contact Us” page:
American Bully For Sale
Our Bullies dog for sale
The American Bully XXL puppy will grow into a muscular, stocky dog with a silky smooth short coat. Some of its distinctive features are the very prominent cheek muscles, high-set ears, broad skull, and extremely large size. This type of breed is often times misunderstood, they look intimating at first glance; however, they’re very loving and loyal companions. The American Bully XXL is now recognized by the BBC, EBKC, DRA, UCA, and the ABKC. When you buy an American Bully XXL puppy, it’s just like adopting a child for life.
If you really Want to know what is going on with Big Gemini Kennels on a daily basis We post DAILY UPDATES on INSTAGRAM!!! FOLLOW US TODAY!!!
We created our on lane! The biggest blue pitbulls in the world! XXL Pitbulls!
BGK is the original kennel that consistently produced Big Blue XXL pit bulls!
PLEASE remember there is a difference between us and other pitbull kennels/ pitbull breeders that you find via google or word of mouth. Although they may have high google rankings and incredible pics of SMALLER dogs, Big Gemini Kennels has been producing the biggest, and the LARGEST BLUE XL BULLY PITBULLS for the last decade. This is a well known fact.
If you are looking for the biggest blue pitbulls in the world, well you found the source. Hello Friend! Big Gemini Kennels aka BGK is so much different than any other pitbull kennel or website you will ever go to because almost every dog that our pitbull kennel produces carries the infamous blood of the largest blue pitbulls in the world. We have produced dogs that are world famous and reknown for their incredible size, looks, temperament, and production power. We are a licensed breeding facility in Southern California and currently have an A rating from animal control as of our last facility inspection. The temperament and training of our dogs is a major focal point as well. We work very closely with two of the most talented dog trainers in Southern California for our clients who request it. We are known as the most professional XL pitbull breeder/ breeding facility to consistently produce the largest XL bully blue pitbulls in the world. We have many satisfied clients all over the globe who are very happy with the huge blue pitbulls that they have purchased from our pit bull kennel. We are the go to pit bull kennel for big, healthy, blue pitbulls even for other pitbull breeders and kennels. Many of the XL pitbulls being produced by Big Gemini Kennels are the foundation dogs for other successful pitbull kennels.
BGK blood is known to carry specific character traits, including size, look, and temperament generation after generation. This is one of the main reasons that other successful pit-bull breeders come to our kennel to get their foundation stock. We have started BGK with one goal in mind, we wanted to build a top quality kennel that consistently produced the largest, best looking, and healthy XL pitbulls in the world. Through hard work and dedication we are proud to say that we have accomplished that goal. Over the last ten years we have proven to be the most consistent source for the largest top quality blue XL Bully pitbulls on the planet. Our kennel was founded because of our passion and love for the misunderstood and often stereotyped American Bully/ Pitbull breed. The true temperament of pitbulls is loving, affectionate, fearless, and extremely protective with their family. At Big Gemini Kennels, we have acres for our puppies and dogs to enjoy the best of life. Here is a picture of the BGK ZOO EXHIBIT! Our dogs enjoy swimming in the pool and laying in the waterfall. They look like Blue lions in their natural habitat, lol. We love spoiling our dogs.
Our staff interacts and plays with our dogs and puppies on a daily basis to make sure they are receiving top quality care, and special attention from the moment they are born. Although our dogs are huge, they are more like furry family members to us than pets or breeding stock. We are very proud of the incredibly stable temperaments all of our dogs tend to have. Please check out our Kids and Pits page to see what I am talking about. If you are looking for the perfect family pet, a fierce protector, and an awesome best friend, then our dogs are for you. If you are looking for the largest best looking XL blue pitbulls to breed with a purple ribbon pedigree from the UKC, then our dogs are for you. Our dogs interact with children from the moment they open their eyes until they arrive in their new homes. There is no question that despite their incredible size, our big beastly pitbulls are gentle giants with children.
Socialization is a very important part of our breeding program. Our staff always makes it a priority to always treat our clients in a respectful, professional manner to let them know we appreciate them choosing their newest family member from our breeding facility. We have worked very hard over the last decade establishing ourselves as the top kennel when it comes to the largest best looking blue pitbull puppies for sale. Every big blue pitbull puppy from our kennel is pampered and treated with love. BGK’s staff gives our pups multiple vaccinations and deworming’s prior to them being given to our client.
Every puppy comes with a contract that guarantees its pedigree, documents the designated pick from the litter, provides UKC Registration paperwork, and most importantly ensures the overall health of the pup. We produce awesome specimens and stand behind our dogs 100%. If there are ever any issues our staff will be on top of it immediately; we always honor and stand by our contract. Our breeding facility is located in sunny Los Angeles, California. Our kennel has produced and sold dogs to many professional athletes, musicians, wealthy families, regular families and personal clients as well. We also work very closely with two of the top dog trainers in the Los Angeles area that specialize in on/ off leash training, as well as protection work.
BGK’s Tank is an excellent example of one of the biggest blue XL pitbulls / American Bully. He was recently featured in the major motion picture « Exposed » starring Keeanu Reeves. I produced BGKs Tank and also produced his parents, wonderful dogs. We are very proud of his accomplishments. Great job Paul! A BGK dog in the movies!!
We have shipped our dogs to many countries over the ast decade as we’ve established ourselves as the number one kennel for LARGE blue pitbulls. We have placed BGK dogs in Kuwait, Indonesia, South Africa, Sweden, Russia, Belgium, Mexico, Panama, Canada, The Virgin Islands, etc, etc. We have produced champions in the show ring and dogs which have been featured in major motion pictures. We have also sold many of our pitbulls to almost every state in the USA. It is safe to say we have shown a lot of different locations worldwide what a real BIG BLUE pitbull looks and acts like. Although the majority of our clients are financially capable of purchasing the dogs up front, we are also willing to work out payment plans with clients who share a passion for the breed and our style of pitbull – BIG!
We appreciate and thank every single visitor to our website. Thank you for taking the time to look at our dogs, their families, and friends. If you would like to have a daily dose of updated BGK pictures please follow us on instagram at We post pictures and updates there on a daily basis. Follow us and stay updated with our BGK dog family as it grows and grows.
Big Gemini Kennels has also dedicated a portion of our yard to rescuing, temporarily housing and transitioning pups before they are introduced to their new families, and rehabbing pitbulls and American bullys as well. There are too many unlicensed, and inexperienced pitbull kennels creating dogs that they can’t care for or sell, and eventually they end up in the dog pound where they are unnecessarily euthanized when they can be placed in loving homes. We take in dogs we find locally and attempt to rehab and rehome them as well. This is one of the ways our kennel likes to give back to the breed we love and support. We have rehabbed and rehomed over 576 dogs to date and will continue to do so for no profit. We also work closely with, recommend, and highly support the two following animal rescue facilities because of their commitment to the breed.
1.) Karma Rescue
1158 26th Street, Ste. 155 PMB
Santa Monica, CA 90403
2.) Much Love Animal Rescue
P.O. Box 341721
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Both of these animal rescues specialty is in taking in all breeds of cats and dogs, mostly from L.A. shelters that are just hours or days away from being euthanized and from “High Kill” shelters.
When I decided to form Big Gemini Kennels I did a lot of research to find out what the best bloodlines were that carried the traits I wanted to target in our XL pitbull breeding program. The BGK bloodlines was originally founded on well known bloodlines such as ICK , RBG, OG Greyline, watchdog, Gotti, and ruffian. Our breeding program is carefully planned out as we watch our stock develop and mature generation after generation. Every single litter is carefully planned and thought out so that we target the best traits in our stock and it reflects in our big beautiful blue pitbull puppies. We mostly line breed or outcross to keep our breeding program extremely consistent by producing HUGE blue pitbulls with a classic look everytime. We are extremely critical of every litter and the pit bull puppies that we choose to keep for ourselves are considered the best of the best. Our male bully/ pitbulls range between 115-195 lbs Our XL female pitbulls range from 85 lbs-145 lbs. We produce many different colors of the blue pitbull. These colors include: dark blue, blue brindle, brindle, fawn, blue, silver, black, champagne, and combinations of the aforementioned colors.
Many of today’s top pitbull kennels have came to us for their foundation stock over the years when they wanted QUALITY and SIZE for their program….WE ARE THE SOURCE…I have females bigger than most male XL Bully pitbulls on the other sites that you find on the front page of google. If you want a monster sized big blue pitbull, you have found the source, if You want a smaller great looking pitbull, go back to google. You’re not ready for us, lol. Thanks to all the clients and fans who have supported our BGK bloodline over the years. We will continue to consistently create the large blue bully pitbulls in the world.